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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Blog For Writing + News + Loving Thoughts + Love Actions


Make 100 lives better with 100 Mitvahs. 100 Handmade Cards, 100 Loving acts of Service to be delivered to our local community senior living home.

DONATE to our Kickstarter here read on and watch our video below...


Delivering one of our Heart Cards to Oak Knoll Regency Park in Pasadena, CA. It was a wonderful outpouring of love and connection and flowers.


You have the power to do EVERYTHING in your everyday actions that build on the kindness and love in our collective hearts. People are rising up all over the planet to solve problems with love. There are a lot more kind folks than there are jerks. We tend to focus on the jerks because they are committed to being assholes. When you talk about our feelings being hurt, and the disappointments inflicted when folks act in trandgressive and hurtful mannors and the struggle and loneliness and disconnection that seem to be pervasive in our worlds, longing for something that has been slowly wrested from their beings. The antidote is putting love in action, in doing what you think you cannot do, in everyday ordinary acts of quiet loving certitude.

Remember, allowing Love to Leads the Way is the most organic form of activism, where our spirits are lifted, our hearts are full of nourishment and every step taken is met 1000 fold. Have you been hoping for more love and kindness to flow through your life?


Wherever you are, however you can, let love lead the way. For the past four years just before Valentine's Day we've been called to make 100 heart cards and deliver them to old age homes in our community ! It started with an email and an idea. Kickstarter sent out an Artists invitation to make 100 limited edition items and if you accepted the challenge they would help promote the offering. Make 100, hmmm. When hand and hand with my Next 100 program. I like the idea of 100 of something. To me it denotes the 'Critical Mass' and have the I've always loved mailing cards and sending them to folks I don't get to see all the time in person, it is something that brings me joy, is part of my system of reconnecting and is a quiet contemplation of who and what I love and each card mailed is infused with my heart filt wishes that it brightens the day of whoever receives it. It's no secret my journey to Loving Everyone started about 10 years ago and I have been quietly working to build a foundation that allows for folks to shift their point of view. Loving has lead me to the biggest twist, a world of freedom to co-create and collaborate where the world is made to be free in. It has allowed me to give up all the worlds I don't belong in.


In a quiet moment I started cutting out hearts from colored construction paper. It was a way to quiet my hands and my heart and to allow an expression to unfold, I used cut out hearts for events and experiences I put together as name tags, as an offering. The more events, the more cutting and the more contemplation. Anything you do over and over reveals the great mysteries of the universe. In cutting paper hearts, I began to remove all the extra from my heart, all that weighed me down, all that left me stuck. As I cut away the square and turned the cutting power of the scissors into precise turns, the heart would emerge a perfect mirror and representation of the effort. In this it became a quiet prayful practice of balancing the inner and outer, the ground and the sun, the world and all its charms. The hearts started having their own stories and they wanted to be added to cardstock and that's when the first of the heart cards was born. It was a moment and a commitment to make handmade cards with the variations of hearts. To use left over cards, papers, magazines, whatever spoke to me to bring about the perfect hearts in formations or alone. These cards became thank you cards, and welcome cards, and sympathy cards and all that card making entails. Organic activations seem to be the easiest to go back to over and over again. Handmade card making is a way through and while there have been some misshaps it has been without a doubt meaningful to me.

We would appreciate it if you considered donating, getting involved, sharing, subscribing and being a part of our All Systems Love 2020 activities.

Here's the video for this years efforts.

Add your name to the universal chorus who are raising our vibrations, our voices and opening our hearts to the necessary transformation of the 21st Century. New thought forms, new elementales of practice and a devotion to the earth and its rhythyms. Now is always the time for love and if you experience something other than love, it is a call for love.

Sending you all kinds of love. Now get out there and be a light so others can find their way in the darkness.

You da Best!!!!



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