Some people are built for love.
More and more love.
It is not of you
It is not part of you
It flows through you
Electrifying the field
Connecting you
to all that is
and ever was.
Some people
light the way.
are the way.
If you want more love in your life, take small loving actions every day. Learn to work with your loving energies to allow for flow, have a care and support practice that creates structure for a peace filled heart. Don't over think it, allow the world to fall into place. Consider how many ways there are to say "I Love You' right out loud. There are many available paths to reach a destination, many ways to tell stories, share your gifts.
We All Hit A Wall Sometimes (Why Not Making it a Call for More Love)
It isn't in our reaching a limitation, a hurdle, an obstacle to knowing peace, it is how we consider our loving reaction, the movements as we construct power, purpose and momentum to traverse any feeling arising that doesn't bring you to the center of your loving. Let's move together into the realms of connection. Once you open yourself to loving action, your worlds will shift towards love.
Don't give up. If you get tired, rest.

We wandered into this beautiful park in Montmartre, in Paris's 18th arrondissement, when we were staying in the neighborhood. It was the home of the I Love You Wall (Le mur des je t’aime) full of lovers, friends, artists, mothers, grandmothers, recently engaged, tourists, kids, dogs, elders, vines, trees, jouy. The glow of pure spirit shines off this art installation. it has captured the imagination of many in it's simple message. Love, Expressed in every thing, in every way, though we have many expressions for it the experience of love remains universal. Consider the ways more and more love flows, consider how your expression, alignment and wellness amplifies in the experience of its connection. The wall is covered in 612 lava tiles feat. “I love you” in 311 languages. Shift your POV.
Tackling limiting beliefs takes courage, it takes love, and it most certainly takes some tears shedding the energies collected not of love.

Claire Kito, a calligrapher, used community, family, friends, research of Frédéric Baronthe who collected work in a notebook, going door to door with embassies in some case, researching and assembling the words of love in every language converting them into enamel plates. The Wall of Love is worth your time and consideration.
Get the care and support you need to go deeper in your loving, connecting to your healthy cells, living in the wonder of what sharing your gifts with the world would bring. Consider how being in your loving, taking kind steps into the world, building beloved community, would shift the world you encounter. Join us and realize the power of what is possible.

The "I Love you Wall" is featured in our upcoming documentary.
Melanie Lutz
All Systems Love
Writer/Producer/Love Activist
Of the Original Documentary Series:
All Our Thoughts
Were Loving?
All Socials @MelsLoveLand