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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Blog For Writing + News + Loving Thoughts + Love Actions

Creating a Landscape for Love. Signs From the Heart

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

The loving brief was simple. Create an awareness AD campaign that captures the mood of loving transformation, embraces a country under the shifts brought about by a global pandemic, announce the upcoming series of preview screening for Mel's Love Land: An Original Documentary Series release and celebrate the launch of Season 1 that looks at love in all its forms by asking the question WHAT IF All Our Thoughts Were Loving?

We wanted an idea that would be connected to neighborhoods, to the lands that had lifted us up for the whole Mel's Love Land process, space that would amplify our loving media movement, and reminders to expand the idea of what love could do. We wanted to allow for a component of technology and the beauty of being outside in beautifully powerful ways.

What we came up with part of the magic and miracles of working with loving spirit.


As we talked through the best way to honor Mel's Love Land from what started as a book, Mel's Love Land: Consider the Possibility There is Another Way, into this transition in form to a television Docu-Series ideas flowed naturally, thoughts and memories flooded forward from the past years of loving everyone that started with a Voice that asked me to 'consider the possibility there is another way...'

For the next 100 days

I am going to consider the possibility

there is another way.

I won't talk about war, I will feel peace.

I won't talk about what isn't working.

I will experience what is.

I won't complain about what people don't do.

I will appreciate what they do.

With care and work

I am going to allow myself to be uplifted

and be willing to see change in a new light.

In what's remembered.

With Love.

It was a voice that wanted me to listen, listen, listen to the universe, like Joseph Campbell's work of mythology expressed ~listen to 'the song of the universe, music so deeply embedded in our collective unconscious that we dance to it, even when we can’t name the tune.' It was in this space of listening I heard what I needed, and while the understanding has taken longer to unfold, it made sense to go back to the roots of the divine love and wisdom moments ever connecting to the beating heart. The original writings, became a book repping the divine love and wisdom from that powerful, deep space within. The work of looking at the world from a loving point of view.


With our hearts firmly rooted in love. We sketched out the idea for a loving 'SIGN.' An Outdoor Advertising campaign that would be accessible, fun and most importantly, during a pandemic, something easy to execute, replicate and allow for a heartfelt activation.

We quickly worked out the sketch of the design to honor the original heart.

Using the font from the Docu-Series the LOVE SIGN was born. It was quickly decided the Outdoor Advertising vehicle would be a MEL'S LOVE LAND YARD SIGN placement to create a heart. The creative would add to the mix of political signs as we entered our renaissance of love in post production for 2021. The Yard Signs felt connected to community and the idea of posting them in front yards revealing the deeper commitment to love our neighbors as ourselves (because ultimately, we are our neighbors.) The signs put a loving stake into the ground in the name of love.

We found a printing company in Austin, Texas to do the job and settled on ordering 100 signs representing the critical mass numerology required for transformation.

We co-created locations that would embody a heart covering a large meaningful area of the earth, encapsulate the love movement and prepare the way for the loving efforts that would follow. We organized around our neighborhoods, as a land acknowledgement and prayer for healing and awareness. The heart signs broadcast the announcement of Season One which includes an episode on localized land based healing initiatives. In every way the heart sign campaign embodies a regeneration and reclamation of our earth wellness, a symbol of sacred activism connecting to every effort and relating the DNA of the process of Mel's Love Land: An Original Documentary Series of looking for and interacting to the world with love.


Geo selecting locations to create the heart was the intention. We started with the MAP, honoring Tongva land from the triangle of the Angeles National Forest, the Pacific Ocean Coast to Compton and created a google MAP heart to create the heart pattern dropping pins via the Google MAP app through fourteen (14) points/locations to create our 'loving heart' target zone spanning the entire landscape of the City of Angels. The heart map represents our Los Angeles land acknowledgement center of loving amplification.

"Absolutely some of the coolest marketing I've ever been a witness to! Kudos to the creatives that came up with this idea." - Sean B. (Customer Love Team) BUILD A SIGN, Austin, TX


Our Team went out across Los Angeles on a beautiful sunny day. The heart took form as each sign went into the earth. It was decided for the campaign the posting of the heart sign would be ceremonial with a prayer for our earth. The prayers offered our intention for healing our community, cultivating the circumstances where we shift from fear to love across all our systems. The HEART MAPPED pattern represents a bridge to a future full of loving thought. All around Los Angeles we placed 100 signs to put a stake in the ground. A reminder of our inter-connection, a reminder of our collective connective heart with our hopes to be an inspiration for others who are ready to allow their loving light to ignite community action.

There's a saying in A Course in Miracles "I choose the second place to gain the first." You never miss your destiny. It is always revealing itself. When we release what we are striving for, we allow the possibility for our heart to receive, everything. It is the miracle of practicing choice. A simple campaign of hearts planted into the ground as a faithful offering in the name of love, as a reminder and a call to action. Today. Today. Today. Is a day for love! To meet, great and announce your place in a world of love.


The funny thing, the more you listen to your divine love and wisdom the more it wants to guide you.


The signs have extended the offering from the virtual into the ground, expressing our intersectional relationship with the earth and all its inhabitants. With each heart we demonstrate what love does in all its forms.


How we co-create loving outcomes, how we support a shift in a world and rebuild in the name of love lives in our willingness to commit to the fierce power of our loving hearts. How we engage with communities laden in trauma, and develop neighborhoods where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Grateful for this opportunity to create a Mel's Love Land campaign across the City of Angels. What I learned... in a city of millions and millions of folks living closely together... is each life touches so many others, and big cities are small towns in the routes that connect us and the hearts that light the way. 100 signs activating a network of the heart in every way possible. In addition to creating a broadcast of love and transmitting loving messages, the stories shared invite the viewer to consider the possibility there is another way in their life. When we look at the world with love it literally transforms. When we consider the possibility there is another way, we begin to take action with love and our world evolves. Season one of the Docu-Series shines a loving light on the inner work required to affect our outer experiences. We connect the loving harmonic story that resides in all things to enable peace through the increased awareness of love as a balanced soul force multiplier.


As we sit at the first part of the 21st Century, there is an old world dying and a new one being born. Mel's Love Land looks at each world with the compassionate positioning of love and allows the viewer to experience moments of meditation, of grace and authentic power. The Documentary Series is designed to allow viewers to consider the possibility there is another way to look at every situation with love. In light of all that has happened, is happening, and the work ahead; it is time to allow love to lead the way. We hope you find love on whatever road you travel and find a way to experience more love, everyday.

Interested in starting something loving in your neighborhood, order your own Mel's Love Land sign. Please reach out. Every action in the direction of love by its very nature and presence co-creates magic and miracles.

A Case Study for Love.

Mel's Love Land is an original Documentary Series that asks the question WHAT IF All Our Thoughts Were Loving? Mel listens to a still small voice to go to the Love Land Public Library in Love Land, Colorado and bares witness to a universe of love in all its forms, offering its wisdom as advocacy to light up our collective heart. This bridge building work tells the true story of what happened when writer Melanie Lutz set out to love everyone and shares the stories captured and curated to heal our worlds.

We hope you experience more love, more joy and all the ways we are interconnected in the space of the heart.


Melanie Lutz – Mels Love Land

All Systems Love

Writer/Producer/Love Activist


Original Documentary Series:



All Our Thoughts

Were Loving?




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