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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Blog For Writing + News + Loving Thoughts + Love Actions

It's Opening Day for Love: NEXT 100 is NOW!

Each year we present and amplify a NEXT 100 Days of Love. It is one of the ways we manifest community miracles. We together connect around loving thought. The idea is to make a commitment to receive and give 100 days of love. This year is different for many reasons. We are being given an opportunity, a moment in time to reflect, to ask questions, to look up from what was and allow the present moment to offer its medicine, to open our heart vision, to expand our health and wellness through the tenor of our daily acts of care and work and to consider the possibility there is another way. Mels Love Land's 9th NEXT 100 begins 5/30.


How each of us is affected by our grief is individual. I trust the process required to arrive at clarity of perfect peace that resides within each of us and I respect each of our choices on how we allow love to activate our heart. May you allow this next 100 to fuel and nourish your thoughts and encourage actions that are kind, loving what is possible and what represents wellness in our community. May any grief we experience as we let go resting in the arms of love, breakthrough to more love. May we experience grace as we process our trauma and loss and may we find ways to reconnect to what is essential.


Each day as we wake into conscious awareness for 100 days we consider the possibility what love would do and deeply connect to our inner wisdom, power and grace for instruction and guidance. We choose love. It is love, only. This isn't a test, there is no right or wrong, left or right, it is an offering of love as a way forward, to ignite something, to make a shift in your point of view and to quite beautifully receive love for 100 Days, to bask in our most nourishing loving-ness that is our natural birthright, as an experience of love throughout the garden of our being.

If this is something that interests you, and you want to make a commitment to 100 days of love the bottom line across all our communities, systems and interactions - consider joining us for our 9th Annual Mels Love Land: NEXT 100 and watch the world as you see it transform via the vision of the heart.

Healing is the gift of loving thought as we choose again to see things differently, to envision the beauty in all things.

Inspired by all who have come before us, our ancestors, our neighbors, our friends, our partners and playmates, our teams and legions of lovers here and around the globe devoted to a loving POV. I am so blessed with every necessary loving thought, action, and word to receive so much.

During these 100 days, wherever you are, however you practice, we share in gratitude and collective loving action, inspired by the call of our intuition, our knowing, our inner wisdom to step up and raise the vibration of our collective thinking as we connect to the heart. In every moment we consider the possibility there is another way for a shift, to look, to blink into a reality reborn from the radiant beating fresh eyes of the collective heart. While our Next 100 days is an annual offering, our love activism movement is ongoing throughout the year. There are other opportunities to get involved or participate or contribute. Our inspirations are many, and today, along with the many days ahead, may love surround those on the front lines, may they know they have support, may they rest as necessary, may they find comfort in knowing justice and love will prevail. May we reconnect to what matters, may our healers find a deep channel of power to nourish and protect them as they do the necessary work.


Miracles are shifts in perception from fear to love. A way for a shift.

The principles of love are many, the actions of spirit profound and the miracles present in the practice of showing up for love, for each other, for our worlds are unpredictable. A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.


Every moment we have the opportunity to choose love, with loving eyes, we affirm possibility, we lift up aka shift the trajectory of our thoughts toward peace, harmony and beloved community. As we grow in our abilities to work together, creating connection with our open hearted loving, the infrastructure that binds our hearts to a single constellation of destiny is enriched cultivating the conditions required for evolution. Love begins with a first step, choosing to be loving, and is met 1000 fold. Our collective heart grows every day in every way as we say yes to more love as we recognize if it is not loving, it is a call for more love. As we quietly decide to make a choice for love, for the truth that never changes and for the grace of now another heart opens, another heart opens, and love, my friends is a great, just, equalizer of what is life.


Thought creates form. Love is the highest vibration and allows for perfect vision, in the power of now, alive to all the possibilities every available. When you practice love principle the world is made more loving. Step up. Step in. Step lightly and let's do this, together.

For more information, check out our Next 100 page on the site. As our loving offering during this time of homebound grace, use coupon code LOVENOW or EVOLVE at checkout and the NEXT 100 is yours as our gift. Do as you are called. Do what is nourishing your soul and contributes to the health and wellness of our community. We set up an event page on Facebook if you want to follow along.

Love, Mel


Mels Love Land: All Systems Love Next 100 is a movement that started with a voice repeating, for the next 100 days, consider the possibility there is another way became a book and soon to be docu-series.

Melanie Lutz is a filmmaker, writer and love activist living in Los Angeles, CA. She has been developing love broadcasts and will launch her Mels Love Land: What if All Our Thoughts Were Loving docu-series in fall of 2020.

Twitter @MobileMel

available on Amazon



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