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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Founded in 2015 by 
​writer. filmmaker. love activist. ​​
Melanie Lutz

a premiere content hub for love in all its forms.

streaming loving thoughts + broadcasting storytelling + minting words of inspiration

Become a member of our Love Activism Team.


-Digital Mels Love Land MiniMag (6 digital issues a year)

-Admission to 2 Mel experiences

-Let love lead the way actions, events and information to provide inspiration, love and kindness

-Special inspirational messages randomly delivered throughout the year

-An active and purposeful participant in our Love Activism network


Your monthly subscription directly supports our love broadcasts and efforts to distribute more love and kindness into our worlds. 


Billed monthly. Cancel at anytime.


All Systems Love media is here for you.

Monthly Love Activism Member Subscription

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